Resonance Art

We are a group of artists bringing the concept of resonance with arts like music, chanting, dancing, painting


Please find here under the workshops we can teach and organize: 

  • Chanting, throat and polyphonic singing in resonance
  • African dance in resonance    
  • Conscious dance in resonance
  • Percussion and rhythm in resonance
  • Signed Rhythm in resonance
  • Whirling dance in resonance 
  • Meditative painting in resonance 
  • Cacao ceremony in resonance
  • Musical siesta in resonance

4 + 14 =




Whirling dance, music and workshops coordinator with the facilitators

The whirling dance, called in different ways in different cultures, this dance accompanies us all from childhood, and allows self-alignment, it is a method of auto-meditation since to be able to whirl without feeling dizzy, you have to focus on your breathing and try to focus on that, without really looking around when whirling, you become one with the world.

Being a musician and having followed the workshops of the various speakers for several years, he would facilitate each workshop.

The various speakers being colleagues, they are also friends whom he brings together, having known for several years the activity of each one. Lyo will facilitate with the organizers the various workshops: singing by bringing the learning of diphonic songs and throat songs, musical accompanist for African dance, cocoa ceremony, spinning dance and conscious dance, also facilitator for signed rhythm workshops.


Intervenant :


Engineer in Telecommunications, he has been carrying out activities and artistic creations for many years. Being a multi-instrumentalist, he is also part of the committee of the association Rythme Signé Genève. His aspirations are the organization of music and creativity workshops in orphanages, sober house treatment centers and migrant camps. He has already conducted workshops for the Bububu Orphanage in Tanzania, for the Detroit Detox Center, and participated in the creation of musical theater piece, machine and human.

“Oh day, come so that the particles dance
The one by whom, the Earth and the skies dance
The hearts and souls dance from extreme happiness, in an uncaring, free mood
I’ll wispier in your ears that where will they dance”

Poem of the Atoms by Rumi


Artist in multiple universes: Dance, Sound therapy, Children’s entertainment

– MEDITATIVE DANCES: *Whirling dance: Its practice is inspired by the Sufi and the Giras de umbanda (Afro-Brazilian) *Mythodanse: Women’s awakening journey combining dance therapy and ritual dances meditative with the incarnation of the 12 Archetypes of the Feminine and the Masculine.

-SOUND THERAPY: Tibetan bowls and shamanic drums. Vibration stimulation sound allows by a modified state of consciousness, to reduce stress while promoting the energy rebalancing.

– CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT: Focused mainly on sensory and bodily awakening: through the dance, musical awakening and the Snoezelen approach Julie is a qualified nursing assistant and was a family caregiver to her mother for 23 years. She has worked for many years in the field of pediatric intensive care and adults. In 2022 she is trained by the Swiss Sound Academy. She is currently pursuing and developing the approach of Mythodanse and Snoezelen.

She mainly intervenes in Festivals, ceremonies and group workshops Its objective is to offer moments of well-being through bodily expression and sensory stimulation to bring everyone’s creativity to life.



Djembé cadence 

This music program is aimed at young people and people who have little or no practiced percussion. It is an introduction to polyphony and African culture for educational purposes and above all fun. The objective of this course is to manage to make simple rhythms and find pleasure in it in the coherence of the group. To do this we will bring back a sufficient number of instruments and our experience from our travels in Africa.



I have been practicing percussion for 17 years and am led to work mainly on rhythms that appeal to trance and traditional African percussion. I accompany this program in an approach, liberating movement, joy and history on the sources of music.

Anastasia Solay

Singer / Composer / Artist

Bringing the Sun when she sings, Anastasia is creating ART since her childhood, she is talented and mysterious that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Watch your thoughts;

They become words.

Watch your words;
They become actions
Watch your actions;
They become habits.
Watch your habits;
They become character
Watch your character;
It becomes your destiny
Lao Tzu


Meditative painting 


This program brings together art and meditation to bring out our emotions or what inhabits us deepest and that we find difficult to put into words or to move away from self-criticism.
“Meditative painting” is for everyone, children, adolescents, adults, seniors in a process of personal development. Do not panic, no skills are required! Our goal is to allow everyone to escape into creation, turned inward to be attentive to their emotions and to leave aside for a little while all the worries of everyday life.


As a painter for over 10 years, I have always sought the essence of spirituality in my work and through this program I wish to share the therapeutic benefits and transformative effects of art and spirituality.


I pass on my passion through the experimentation of movements as well as musical awakening. Mastering the dances of West Africa, I mix gestures with contemporary dance, urban dances and I adapt according to my audience.

The goal is the physical awakening with the children through various movements combined by the rhythm. For the elderly, I work on mobility taking into account their limits through body awareness and self-listening.


Filbert TOLOGO, dancer and choreographer

Teacher and specialist in African dance,

With more than 10 years of experience in the field of pedagogy, I am passionate about my profession and eager to supervise children, adolescents, adults and seniors in their personal development through different dance approaches in order to accompany everyone in its openness to the world.

Very active in the Geneva cultural landscape as an artist, I have collaborated with many theaters and festivals as part of my artistic projects, in Switzerland and abroad.

On the other hand, I am a teacher for children and adults, and I give professional training for teachers who learn to transmit emotions through their bodies.


Cacao Ceremony

Discover what a ceremonial rhythm is, in this case, with Cocoa.

A ceremony is a celebration with codes, a rhythm, a group of people that creates a framework conducive to introspection. Through visualization, concentration, calm, letting go and sharing.

During this ceremony the goal is to “work” on oneself.

How ? With a plant used for a long time in a food and medicinal way.

Used by the Mayas with properties: relaxing, it allows muscles to relax, among other things. Our cocoa is unprocessed, organic and conscientiously grown in Central America. Symbolically, cocoa is the plant of love. Subtle and delicate, drinking it installs softness in our body, a peaceful moment with oneself.

The invitation will be to come with an intention and focus on it during the ceremony. What is an Intent?

It can be a sentence or a word. Who answers the question: why am I here? What do I want?

Silence and live music will guide us on this journey. Moving or stationary. It is above all a ceremony to express oneself freely.



Founder of Potions d’Adèle, an eco-responsible association so that natural and respectful products become the norm. I bring my attention and my curiosity to the theme of love with a capital L: universal love since my childhood. I experimented with several ways to try to taste it. Alternative medicine such as shiatsu, Sufi whirling, free dance, contact dance, flute and drum.

For more than two years now, I have offered to drink cocoa in a ceremonial form and it fills me with joy and of course with love.

Everything is one:
The wave and the pearl,
The sea and the stone.
Nothing that exists in this world,
Is outside of you,
Search well within yourself
what you want to be
Because you are everything.
The whole history of the world
Sleeps within each of us.



Gong Bath

During a gong bath, participants will experience a sense of connection and peace as the sacred sound and vibration of the gong clears blockages and restores the free flow of life energy throughout the body. Energetically, emotionally, spiritually and physically, there is no part of you that will not receive sound.

Stress disappears when the brain switches to alpha and/or theta states, triggering a sympathetic nervous system response that lowers blood pressure, slows heart rate, relieves stress, pain, etc.

The sound of the gong can be used to rebalance and invigorate the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. It is an excellent therapy for problems related to stress, depression, fatigue, anger and hostility, feelings of fear, separation and loneliness, as well as many other conditions related to lack of balance and of harmony in the body.

This workshop is for anyone who wants to give their body and nervous system deep rest and nourishment. Sound baths create an incredible opportunity to slow down and appreciate your body’s wisdom and healing ability, and open the door to deep meditative states by shutting off your body’s fight or flight reflex.

Each planetary gong is of a different nature and resonates in harmony with the cycles of the cosmos, communicating to us what has been called for centuries the “Music of the Spheres”. You will be taken on an incredible journey around the cosmos, without leaving the room.



Swiss-Venezuelan therapist, with extensive experience in sound therapy, both in Europe and Latin America. Expert in gong, harmonic singing and Tibetan bowls. Founder of Fractal Gong since 2016, a project where all his influences and learnings in shamanism, energy healing techniques with sound are merged. A mixture of highly qualified sensitivity and a few years of live practice, make his gong sessions a unique experience.